Use the links below to learn about some of the more popular makes and models of hoof boots available for barefoot horses:
- manufacturer websites – where you can purchase hoof boots and find selection guides, information on sizing, and handy hints, tips, and how-to videos. Many hoof boot manufacturer websites also have hoof trimming how-to tutorials and videos!
- buy or sell hoof boots online – equine supply stores online that carry hoof boots and online marketplaces where you can buy or sell used hoof boots
- Yahoo forums that discuss the ins and outs of hoof boots for riding
Hoof Boot Manufacturers – learn about and buy boots
Find product info or purchase hoof boots. These are the makes and models of hoof boots that I have the most experience with, though there are certainly others out there.
EasyCare Inc – offers many different models – boots for riding, therapy, soaking – Epic, Bare, Glove, Grip, Old Mac’s, Boa, EasyBoot, EasySoaker. For trail riding or fast work, I like the Bare, Glove, and Epic boots. For a lower-cost but very functional hoof boot, try the Glove. Old Macs and Boas are easier to put on, but some find them a bit clunky and better suited to short, slow rides or therapeutic use. Glue on model available as well.

EasyCare offers many different styles of hoof boots for different uses and different sizes and shapes of hooves!
Renegade Hoof Boots – one style, many colors! I like this boot for trail riding and fast work, easy to put on, stays on well and doesn’t tend to rub or bruise. Not currently available in larger (draft) sizes. Glue on model available as well.
Cavallo Simple Hoof Boots – easy to put on, better suited to slower, shorter rides or therapeutic use. Some find them a bit clunky. Boots that come above the coronet band may be more prone to rubbing.
Marquis Supergrip Hoof Boots – these boots work well on the trail and for fast work. Fits a more oblong hoof. Doesn’t require a lot of strength to get on and off. Fit adjustment using an inflatable air bladder. Draft sizes available. Glue-on model available.

The Marquis Supergrip can be fitted with ice, grass, or road studs for improved traction in slick conditions.
Davis Soaking Boot – I use these for medicated soaks, but the EasyCare soakers work just as well and come in larger (draft) sizes.
Soft-Ride Therapeutic Hoof Boots – loose-fitting, intended for therapeutic use to keep sore hooves comfortable and clean. Various thicknesses and densities of foam insoles available.
Where to Buy New and Used Hoof Boots
Equine Supply Stores Online
Jeffers Equine – free shipping and good selections of EasyCare and Cavallo hoof boots
Valley Vet – free shipping and good selections of EasyCare and Cavallo hoof boots
Action Rider Tack – EasyCare boots and accessories – comfort pads, parts for repair and replacement, athletic tape, removable studs for improved traction, Goober Glue Hoof Pack, Vettec adhesives
Free Online Classifieds – Buy and Sell New and Used Hoof Boots
Hoof Boot Swap Page – Scroll to the very bottom of the page to see the latest listings.
HoofBootExchange Yahoo discussion group – Join this group to find great deals on new and used hoof boots.
Find Discussions and Reviews of Hoof Boots
BarefootEnduranceHorses Yahoo discussion group – join this group to learn what works and what doesn’t. These folks are riding barefoot endurance horses in hoof boots, 50 to 100 miles at a stretch, at speed in rough country.
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