
You are currently browsing articles tagged feeds.

Sodium deficiency leads to dehydration in horses! The electrolyte most likely to be in short supply in horses is sodium. You are better off providing extra sodium rather than too little, as a healthy horse can easily excrete the excess if plenty of fresh water is available.

Table salt is 40% sodium by weight (plain old iodized salt from the grocery store) – 2 tablespoons mixed with wet feed or sprinkled over wet hay fulfills the baseline daily sodium requirement (before sweat losses) for a 1000 lb horse. Read the rest of this entry »

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grass with caution sign

Caution! Grass that’s high in simple sugars and starches can trigger a laminitis attack in sensitive horses!

Was your horse or pony “a little sore-footed” last spring when the grass started coming out?

Is your mule a little on the chunky side?

Does your donkey have a cresty neck or fatty deposits at the top of his tail?

Is your miniature horse an easy keeper?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, your equine buddy may be insulin resistant.  Grass, hay, and bagged feeds that are high in simple sugars and starch can trigger a laminitis attack in insulin resistant equines!  Plan to limit grazing time this spring, and make other adjustments to your feeding program, to ward off a potential laminitis attack.
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blue and green books clipartBuy these books to create an instant starter library if you’re a new horse owner!

Whether you’re new to the horse game, or are returning after a break, these readable, user-friendly books provide a broad base of information on caring for your equine and on safely interacting with him on the ground and from the saddle.

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Do hoof supplements really work? Do some work better than others? Which ingredients should I look for?

To find out, read this article from the May 2009 issue of Horse Journal, documenting results from a field trial of 28 hoof supplements:

Horse Journal Field Trial of Hoof Supplements


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pull the string to open a feed sack

Find and pull the magic string to open your feed sack by unraveling the stitching.

Yep, there’s a right way and a bunch of wrong ways.  If you’ve never quite been able to get the hang of figuring out which string to pull to open feed sacks quickly and easily – stay tuned!

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