Online Photo Database from Cornell U – Horse Hoof and Lower Leg Anatomy

Horse Hoof Anatomy - Cross section view

Check out this amazing database of equine anatomy photos from the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, designed to accompany ‘Rooney’s Guide to the Dissection of the Horse’.

Please note: The images in the database are photographs of dissected cadavers. The database and images associated with these pages are intended for use by veterinary professionals and may not be suitable for all individuals; parental guidance is advised.

Enter the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine Equine Anatomy Photo Database

To begin browsing the database, click the large red button labeled ‘Search the Database’ on the home page of the database.

For anatomy photos of the equine hoof and lower leg – choose [Chapter 6: Forelimb] from the Select Chapter drop-down menu.
